- 演員
: - 電影簡介
: - An-hyup is no.1 beauty in the town. At young days, she was caught when stealing a melon and gave herself to the field owner. After that, An-hyup realizes her body has a value equivalent to money! She willingly gives herself for the profit but never to the Sam-dol – she always looks down on him like an easy mark because he’s a servant. Only Sam-dol didn’t sleep with An-hyup in the town!
Despite of An-hyup’s provoking word, Sam-dol tries to hit on her again and again. Can he finally get her mind & body, someday?
- 導演
: - 電影
: - Husband Will Never Know
- 級別
: - III
- 國家/地區
: - Korea
- 片長
: - 1hr34min
- 製作年份
: - 2016
- 評分
: - 2.0