- Yuki Yamada
- Ito Ôno
- Yûki Morinaga
One tuesday morning and without warning, a race is broadcast live on TV. The racers are eliminated one by one. Viewers are excited by the broadcast, but nobody knows why the runners are risking their lives.
Naoto Tamura (Yuki Yamada) is a freeter. His mother is kidnapped by a mysterious group. Naoto Tamura participates in the death race to save his mother.
- Yuki Yamada
- Ito Ôno
- Yûki Morinaga
One tuesday morning and without warning, a race is broadcast live on TV. The racers are eliminated one by one. Viewers are excited by the broadcast, but nobody knows why the runners are risking their lives.
Naoto Tamura (Yuki Yamada) is a freeter. His mother is kidnapped by a mysterious group. Naoto Tamura participates in the death race to save his mother.
- Actor
: - Yuki Yamada,Ito Ôno,Yûki Morinaga
- Description
: - One tuesday morning and without warning, a race is broadcast live on TV. The racers are eliminated one by one. Viewers are excited by the broadcast, but nobody knows why the runners are risking their lives.
Naoto Tamura (Yuki Yamada) is a freeter. His mother is kidnapped by a mysterious group. Naoto Tamura participates in the death race to save his mother.
- Director
: - Movie
: - Live
- Class
: - III
- Country/Region
: - Japan
- Duration
: - 1hr45min
- Year
: - 2014
- Rating
: - 2.5
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