- 演員
: - Cho Yeo-jeong,Kim Tae Woo
- 電影簡介
: - Bo-hee is a successful marketer of a toy company. But she is too workaholic, hardly cares of her daughter, only ‘sleep’ with her husband Kang-sung. Nan-hee a neighbor is a sex shop owner with attractive appearance. Bby an accident, Bo-hee gets fired, and when she visits Nan-hee’s shop, Nan-hee teaches her what orgasm is about and when she opens her eyes to the world of ‘real’ joy, her relationship with her husband starts brand new style. With full of joy, Bo-hee bursts out the ideas as a marketer. Now CASA AMOR the sex shop, opens for everyone who desires the real pleasure.
- 導演
: - Jung Beom Sik
- 電影
: - Casa Amor: Exclusive For Ladies
- 級別
: - III
- 國家/地區
: - Korea
- 片長
: - 1hr52min
- 製作年份
: - 2016
- 評分
: - 3.7