- 演員
: - Saori Hara
- 電影簡介
: - The Matsuoka sisters share a secret that nobody else shall ever know… Machiko Matsuoka is a high school music teacher. She lives alone with her elder sister Keiko, whose legs are crippled. The two once had a good relationship until one incident in the past crippled Keiko’s legs. Keiko, blaming her younger sister for the incident, began treating Machiko like a slave since then. Although Machiko blindly does whatever her sister asks of her, she cannot stop gloomy thoughts from accumulating in her heart. And Machiko comes to have a secret relationship with her student…
- 導演
: - Hideo Jojo
- 電影
: - Confessions - The Secrets of Machiko
- 級別
: - III
- 國家/地區
: - Hong Kong
- 片長
: - 1hr13min
- 製作年份
: - 2011
- 評分
: - 2.2