- 演員
: - Momoko Tani,Kayo Satoh,Yukie Kawamura
- 電影簡介
: - Shy high school student Goro (Maeno Tomoya) lives with Haru (Tani Momoko), daughter of the man his deceased mother married. He spends his days in agony as the older Haru, who isn't a blood relation, draws him into extreme forms of physical contact. His classmate Mizuno (Sato Kayo) starts to get suspicious about their bizarre relationship.
- 導演
: - Rikiya Imaizumi
- 電影
: - Sister Game
- 級別
: - III
- 國家/地區
: - Japan
- 片長
: - 1hr59min
- 製作年份
: - 2014
- 評分
: - 2.0