- 演員
: - 電影簡介
: - The ferocious and conniving wife of one of the most powerful and privileged families in Korea, one that controls the nation with money - Madam BAEK (YOUN Yuh-jung) Addicted to money and its power, Madam BAEK’s husband who has wasted away his life in contempt - Chairman YOON (BAEK Yoon-sik) A secretary who takes care of all the dirty work for the Chairman YOON’s family and slowly comes to relish the taste of money - Young-jak (KIM Kang-woo) The daughter of the family who develops a strange attraction for Young-jak - Nami (KIM Hyo-jin)
- 導演
: - Im Sang Soo
- 電影
: - Taste of Money
- 級別
: - III
- 國家/地區
: - Korea
- 片長
: - 1hr55min
- 製作年份
: - 2012
- 評分
: - 2.7