- Actor
: - Ruth Vega Fernandez, Liv Mjones, Krister Henriksson, Lena Endre
- Description
: - A happily engaged couple finds their marriage plans on the rocks due to an impulsive lesbian affair in this heartfelt romantic drama. Thirty-something Mia is attending her father's engagement party with her fiancé Tim when she senses a powerful connection to Frida, her future step-sister. From the moment they first meet, the attraction is undeniable. But when that allure leads Mia to explore a side of her sexuality she's never known, the repercussions of the forbidden affair threaten to destroy not only her own impending marriage to Tim, but her father's plans to marry Frida's mother as well.
- Director
: - Alexandra-Therese Keining
- Movie
: - Kiss Me
- Class
: - III
- Country/Region
: - Sweden
- Duration
: - 1hr43min
- Year
: - 2011
- Rating
: - 4.5
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