- Actor
: - Winston Duke,Zazie Beetz,Benedict Wong,Tony Hale,Bill Skarsgård
- Description
: - Will (Winston Duke) spends his days in a remote outpost watching the live Point of View (POV) on TV s of people going about their lives, until one subject perishes, leaving a vacancy for a new life on earth. Soon, several candidates -- unborn souls -- arrive at Will s to undergo tests determining their fitness, facing oblivion when they are deemed unsuitable. But Will soon faces his own existential challenge in the form of free-spirited Emma (Zazie Beetz), a candidate who is not like the others, forcing him to turn within and reckon with his own tumultuous past. Fueled by unexpected power, he discovers a bold new path forward in his own life.
- Director
: - Edson Oda
- Movie
: - Nine Days
- Class
: - IIA
- Country/Region
: - US
- Duration
: - 2hr3min
- Year
: - 2020
- Rating
: - 3.5
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