- 演員
: - You Ha Jun,Han Je In
- 電影簡介
: - A writer falls into the Trap of fatal attraction. Helmed by Bong Man Dae (The Sweet Sex and Love, Playboy Bong), the erotic thriller follows screenwriter Jung Min (Yoo Ha Hoon), who takes a vacation at a rural inn after being dumped by his girlfriend. There, he meets attractive young girl Yoo Mi (Han Je In) and finds himself irresistibly drawn to her. However, their fantasy encounter turns into a nightmare when Yoo Mi asks him to kill the landlord.
- 導演
: - Bong Man Dae
- 電影
: - Trap
- 級別
: - III
- 國家/地區
: - South Korea
- 片長
: - 1hr47min
- 製作年份
: - 2015
- 評分
: - 0.0