- 演員
: - Bruce Willis,Bonnie Bedelia, William Atherton, Reginald VelJohnson, Franco Nero,William Sadler, John Amos
- 電影簡介
: - On a snowy Christmas Eve in the nation's capitol, a team of terrorists has seized a major international airport, and now holds thousands of holiday travelers hostage. Theterrorists, a renegade band of crack military commandos led by a murderous rogue officer(Willian Sadler), have come to rescue a drug lord from justice. They've prepared for evry contingency, except one : John McClane, an off-duty cop seized by a feeling of deadly deja vu. Bruce Willis returns as the heroic cop who battles not only terrorists, but also an incompetent airport police chief(Dennis Franz), the hard-headed commander(John Amos) of the army's anti-terrorist squad and a deadly winter snowstorm. The runways are littered with death and destruction, and McClane is in a race against time. His wife(Bonnie Bedelia) is trapped on one of the planes circling somewhere overhead, desperately low on fuel. It's all out war, a heart-stopping, jet-propelled journey through excitement and terror. Fastern your seatbelts!
- 導演
: - Renny Harlin
- 電影
: - Die Hard 2
- 級別
: - II
- 國家/地區
: - US
- 片長
: - 2hr3min
- 製作年份
: - 1990
- 評分
: - 4.2