- 演員
: - Tommy Tam,Ngok Wah,Candice Yu
- 電影簡介
: - One of director Chu Yuan's crowning achievements, The Sentimental Swordsman epitomizes the lone, virtuous, heroic swordsman with a twist. The Oedipus complexed swordsman Li Hsin-Huan, magnificently portrayed by the highly popular Ti Lung, is a hero with weaknesses; he drinks and believes in love and emotion thereby losing his girlfriend via tricked honor. It's payback time. Chu creates romantic worlds lavishly infused with flamboyant atmospheric settings as evident by this film receiving the 1978 Golden Horse Best Cinematography Award.
- 導演
: - Chor Yuen
- 電影
: - The Sentimental Swordsman
- 級別
: - IIA
- 國家/地區
: - Hong Kong
- 片長
: - 1hr37min
- 製作年份
: - 1977
- 評分
: - 5.0