- Alec Baldwin
- Kim Basinger
- Michael Madsen
- Jennifer Tilly
- James Woods
The Getaway
Doc (Alec Baldwin) and Carol (Kim Basinger) McCoy are married criminals looking for a high-paying score. When Doc ends up in a Mexican prison, Carol tells mob boss Jack Benyon (James Woods) that Doc will work for him if Benyon can free him from prison. Benyon hires Doc to rob a dog track, but after the heist goes terribly wrong, Doc and Carol escape with the cash. With a bitter thief (Michael Madsen) and Benyon's hired help on their trail, Doc and Carol must fight to survive.
- Alec Baldwin
- Kim Basinger
- Michael Madsen
- Jennifer Tilly
- James Woods
The Getaway
Doc (Alec Baldwin) and Carol (Kim Basinger) McCoy are married criminals looking for a high-paying score. When Doc ends up in a Mexican prison, Carol tells mob boss Jack Benyon (James Woods) that Doc will work for him if Benyon can free him from prison. Benyon hires Doc to rob a dog track, but after the heist goes terribly wrong, Doc and Carol escape with the cash. With a bitter thief (Michael Madsen) and Benyon's hired help on their trail, Doc and Carol must fight to survive.
- Actor
: - Alec Baldwin,Kim Basinger,Michael Madsen,Jennifer Tilly,James Woods
- Description
: - Doc (Alec Baldwin) and Carol (Kim Basinger) McCoy are married criminals looking for a high-paying score. When Doc ends up in a Mexican prison, Carol tells mob boss Jack Benyon (James Woods) that Doc will work for him if Benyon can free him from prison. Benyon hires Doc to rob a dog track, but after the heist goes terribly wrong, Doc and Carol escape with the cash. With a bitter thief (Michael Madsen) and Benyon's hired help on their trail, Doc and Carol must fight to survive.
- Director
: - Roger Donaldson
- Movie
: - The Getaway
- Class
: - IIB
- Country/Region
: - US
- Duration
: - 1hr55min
- Year
: - 1994
- Rating
: - 5.0
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