- Gigi Leung
- Richie Ren
- Aarif Rahman
The Allure of Tears
Conceptually, Allure of Tears is sound. As executed, however, the film is pure misery. Barbara Wong directs this omnibus of tearjerker stories loosely tied to each other through minor background details. Story one, called in Chinese “The First Drop of Tear,” tells the tale of young cameraman You Le (Aarif Lee), who collapses one day and ends up in the hospital the next. He’s got brain cancer, and he’s bitter and upset, telling everyone to go away at the top of his very able lungs. He refuses help and sympathy, but eventually softens to Power Girl (yep, that’s what they call her), played by Under the Hawthorn Tree breakout star Zhou Dongyu. She’s got blood cancer but is eternally chipper, softening You Le’s heart.
- Gigi Leung
- Richie Ren
- Aarif Rahman
The Allure of Tears
Conceptually, Allure of Tears is sound. As executed, however, the film is pure misery. Barbara Wong directs this omnibus of tearjerker stories loosely tied to each other through minor background details. Story one, called in Chinese “The First Drop of Tear,” tells the tale of young cameraman You Le (Aarif Lee), who collapses one day and ends up in the hospital the next. He’s got brain cancer, and he’s bitter and upset, telling everyone to go away at the top of his very able lungs. He refuses help and sympathy, but eventually softens to Power Girl (yep, that’s what they call her), played by Under the Hawthorn Tree breakout star Zhou Dongyu. She’s got blood cancer but is eternally chipper, softening You Le’s heart.
- Actor
: - Gigi Leung,Richie Ren,Aarif Rahman
- Description
: - Conceptually, Allure of Tears is sound. As executed, however, the film is pure misery. Barbara Wong directs this omnibus of tearjerker stories loosely tied to each other through minor background details. Story one, called in Chinese “The First Drop of Tear,” tells the tale of young cameraman You Le (Aarif Lee), who collapses one day and ends up in the hospital the next. He’s got brain cancer, and he’s bitter and upset, telling everyone to go away at the top of his very able lungs. He refuses help and sympathy, but eventually softens to Power Girl (yep, that’s what they call her), played by Under the Hawthorn Tree breakout star Zhou Dongyu. She’s got blood cancer but is eternally chipper, softening You Le’s heart.
- Director
: - Chun-Chun Wong
- Movie
: - The Allure of Tears
- Class
: - IIA
- Country/Region
: - Hong Kong
- Duration
: - 2hr3min
- Year
: - 2011
- Rating
: - 4.7
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