- Leslie Cheung
- Karena Lam
- Waise Lee
- Valerie Chow
Inner Senses
Yan always sees dead people. Jim, her psychologist, thinks it's all in her mind bought by loneliness and by unpleasant experiences from past relationships. He devotes all his time to curing her. Jim soon falls in love as Yan is freed of her vision. But then he starts seeing dead people too. Jim remembers his past. His girlfriend in high school, named Yu, committed suicide when Jim tried to break up with her in twenty years ago. Now, with Yan's help and love, can Jim face up to the ghost and end the nightmare?
- Leslie Cheung
- Karena Lam
- Waise Lee
- Valerie Chow
Inner Senses
Yan always sees dead people. Jim, her psychologist, thinks it's all in her mind bought by loneliness and by unpleasant experiences from past relationships. He devotes all his time to curing her. Jim soon falls in love as Yan is freed of her vision. But then he starts seeing dead people too. Jim remembers his past. His girlfriend in high school, named Yu, committed suicide when Jim tried to break up with her in twenty years ago. Now, with Yan's help and love, can Jim face up to the ghost and end the nightmare?
- Actor
: - Leslie Cheung,Karena Lam,Waise Lee,Valerie Chow
- Description
: - Yan always sees dead people. Jim, her psychologist, thinks it's all in her mind bought by loneliness and by unpleasant experiences from past relationships. He devotes all his time to curing her. Jim soon falls in love as Yan is freed of her vision. But then he starts seeing dead people too. Jim remembers his past. His girlfriend in high school, named Yu, committed suicide when Jim tried to break up with her in twenty years ago. Now, with Yan's help and love, can Jim face up to the ghost and end the nightmare?
- Director
: - Chi-Leung Law
- Movie
: - Inner Senses
- Class
: - IIB
- Country/Region
: - Hong Kong
- Duration
: - 1hr40min
- Year
: - 2002
- Rating
: - 4.2
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