- Greta Gerwig
- Julianne Moore
Maggie's Plan
A woman (Greta Gerwig) falls in love with a married man (Ethan Hawke), then devises a strategy to reunite him with his former wife (Julianne Moore) three years later.
- Greta Gerwig
- Julianne Moore
Maggie's Plan
A woman (Greta Gerwig) falls in love with a married man (Ethan Hawke), then devises a strategy to reunite him with his former wife (Julianne Moore) three years later.
- Actor
: - Greta Gerwig,Julianne Moore
- Description
: - A woman (Greta Gerwig) falls in love with a married man (Ethan Hawke), then devises a strategy to reunite him with his former wife (Julianne Moore) three years later.
- Director
: - Rebecca Miller
- Movie
: - Maggie's Plan
- Class
: - IIB
- Country/Region
: - US
- Duration
: - 1hr38min
- Year
: - 2017
- Rating
: - 3.8
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