- Actor
: - Kitano Takeshi,Tomokazu Miura,Takashi Tsukamoto
- Description
: - In a casual conversation during a banquet, the Sanno-kai crime group chairman (Kitamura Soichiro) expresses to right-hand man Kato (Miura Tomokazu) his displeasure for the Ikemoto clan's connection to the Murase crew. To not violate the pact of brotherhood with the Murases, Ikemoto (Kunimura Jun) asks Otomo (Kitano Takeshi, as Beat Takeshi), the head of another Sanno-kai clan, to stir up trouble in the name of peace. This triggers a bloody gang war filled with ulterior motives, double crosses, and a long, long path of blood.
- Director
: - Kitano Takeshi
- Movie
: - HD Outrage
- Class
: - III
- Country/Region
: - Hong Kong
- Duration
: - 1hr49min
- Year
: - 2010
- Rating
: - 4.0
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