- 演員
: - Daniel Radcliffe,Emma Watson,Rupert Grint
- 電影簡介
: - When a crazy houself named Dobby arrives in Harry's room, he warns him that there is a plot to destroy Hogwarts and that he shouldn't return. Harry then starts hearing voices through the walls, students being petrified, and a girl who died in a bathroom. He soon finds out that it is a basilisk roaming in the Chamber Of Secrets, under the control from a memory of Lord Voldemort. Is Voldemort still inactive? Or will it be a friend of his being controlled?
- 導演
: - Chris Columbus
- 電影
: - Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets CAN No Sub
- 級別
: - IIA
- 國家/地區
: - UK
- 片長
: - 2hr41min
- 製作年份
: - 2002
- 評分
: - 4.4