- Aaron Kwok
- Norika Fujiwara
- Leehom Wang
- Ruby Lam
- Chun Pui
China Strike Force
A young Chinese Security Officer, Darren, is called for Team 808, which fights against the smuggling of drugs and corruption. Noriko, a Japanese Interpol officer, collaborates with Darren for the destruction of a large international drug cartel. At the same time, a senior government officer's daughter is suspected of corruption.
- Aaron Kwok
- Norika Fujiwara
- Leehom Wang
- Ruby Lam
- Chun Pui
China Strike Force
A young Chinese Security Officer, Darren, is called for Team 808, which fights against the smuggling of drugs and corruption. Noriko, a Japanese Interpol officer, collaborates with Darren for the destruction of a large international drug cartel. At the same time, a senior government officer's daughter is suspected of corruption.
- Actor
: - Aaron Kwok,Norika Fujiwara,Leehom Wang,Ruby Lam,Chun Pui
- Description
: - A young Chinese Security Officer, Darren, is called for Team 808, which fights against the smuggling of drugs and corruption. Noriko, a Japanese Interpol officer, collaborates with Darren for the destruction of a large international drug cartel. At the same time, a senior government officer's daughter is suspected of corruption.
- Director
: - Stanley Tong
- Movie
: - China Strike Force
- Class
: - IIB
- Country/Region
: - Hong Kong
- Duration
: - 1hr43min
- Year
: - 2000
- Rating
: - 4.6
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