- 演員
: - Angelica Lee,Anthony Wong,Eric Kot,Tony Leung Ka Fai,Edison Chen,Gordon Lam
- 電影簡介
: - Ling(Lee) is a fashion columnist whose ex-boyfriend died in a car accident. Debt collectors Fei(Wong) and Ma (Kot) are eyewitnesses on the scene and Fei is certain that Peter's death is more than just an accident. The weird and suspicious act that Chief Editor Tsang (Leung) recently displays convinces Ling of what Fei says. Ling pleads for the assistance of both Fei and Ma. With Newspaper photographer Kei (Chen) also volunteering to help, the quartet embanks on a journey to track down the truth.
As Ling gets hold of the leads that will unquestionably outrage the society once it hits the headline, the newspaper corporation, to her shock, has already been acquired by a tycoon, who now becomes her boss. After all, how much truth will tomorrow's headline news reveal?
- 導演
: - Gordon Chan,Chung Kai Cheong
- 電影
: - A1
- 級別
: - IIA
- 國家/地區
: - Hong Kong
- 片長
: - 1hr44min
- 製作年份
: - 2004
- 評分
: - 3.4